Ally’s Olympic 2021 Campaign
In the summer of 2021, Ally wanted to celebrate the spirit of allyship - the very essence of their name - through the lens of Olympic sport. No one reaches their goal on the ‘field’ alone. In fact, alongside every victor, and behind every unsuccessful competitor is an ally. From childhood, to grassroots, to elite competition, each competitor has a supportive network of people who are there to ensure they have a chance to achieve everything they’ve ever dreamed of.  This work seeded “We’re All Better Off with an Ally” in preparation for the launch of Ally’s Masterbrand campaign the following month.

The spot tells the story of different competitors, at different stages of their career, all backed and supported by their allies.
Role: Associate Creative Director

Creative Team: Liz Delp, Vahbiz Engineer, Ren McAslan, Seth Jacobs

Production: MJZ, Nicolai Fuglsig, Ryan McCally, Jo Willems, Dave Hussey